How Can Indian Head Massage Heal Your Body?

Ayurvedic therapeutic massages and medicines are being used widely in the western countries now. The oldest healing system is proven to be active and perfect for treating illness. That’s why Ayurveda healing system is still alive and getting popular despite being centuries old. Aspirants willing to start a career in the traditional healthcare industry have…

How to Give Yourself an Indian Head Massage?

Ayurveda is the oldest medicinal system in the world which was originated in India. It only uses the natural techniques like yoga, meditation, herbal medicines, massage and healthy diet to heal the body and promote healthy living. That’s why Ayurvedic methods have no side effects on the body. One of the beneficial things that are…

What is Marma Therapy and Its Significance?

Marma therapy is an integral part of Ayurveda that helps to maintain health released the blocked energies in the body. That is why one can learn this therapy in an Ayurveda course in India and somewhere else. Marma is a Sanskrit word and it means hidden or secret. So, Marma points are the vital junctures in the…

What are The Changes That Ayurveda Can Bring into Your Life?

Ayurveda is known to be the oldest method of healing the body with its roots from India. The word Ayurveda is derived by combining two Sanskrit words “Ayur” and “Veda” which means “the science of life”. Ayurveda primarily focuses live to a healthy lifestyle and maintain a balance between the body, mind and the soul…

How to become a Somatic Bodywork Therapist?

Did you know that our body secretly stores the distressing experiences occurring to us in daily life? Events like the death of dear ones, meeting accidents, injuries, and other mental traumas take other shapes in the body. The unpleasant events often create psychological problems and affect the individual in different ways. They are often manifested…

Marma Therapy: The Indian Form of Acupressure

Ayurveda is the oldest curative therapy in the world. It uses different ways like yoga, meditation, massage, and herbal medicines to heal the body and promote a healthy lifestyle. One method used in Ayurveda to improve the flow of energy in the body is known as the ‘Marma Therapy.’ Several energy points in the body…

Top Ayurvedic Healing Courses to Study in Indian Institutes

Ayurveda is a life science that provides information on how to achieve complete health. The principles and healing methods are worth learning to apply to your lifestyle. The healing system had evolved and proven to treat numerous diseases bring worldwide recognition and usages. Ayurveda contains a compiled list of health issues and their treatments with…

Why Are More People Heading Towards Ayurveda Again?

Going back to a few decades, people used to live a life away from pollution and stress and do more physical work. Hence, they live a healthy and longer life. However, today’s generation is totally different. They are encircled with technology, stress, and pollution which has led to so many health problems. The main reason…

Why is Indian Head Massage Becoming Popular in Western Countries?

Did you know the health benefits of Ayurvedic massages? The traditional massages of Ayurveda are helpful to treat and prevent numerous health problems. People have embraced them in their daily lifestyle to gain multiple health benefits. The reason for their inclusion of massages in the daily lifestyle is the proven effectiveness for your well-being. There…

Why is Indian Head Massage a Holistic Therapy?

Indian head massage is a treatment given based on the centuries-old techniques and principles of Ayurveda. Massage is done on the upper part of the body – upper back, neck, shoulder, face, and head. The massage is amazingly relaxing and invigorating owing to its holistic nature working on the body, mind, and spirit. It is because holistic…

Ayurvedic Medicinal Herbs in Homes That We Don’t Know

Ayurveda originated in India about 5000 years ago. The name ‘Ayurveda’ was derived from the Sanskrit words ‘Ayur’ and ‘Veda’ which means ‘the science of life.’ Ayurveda is not only just an ancient medicinal system to heal bodies. But, it’s a way of living a healthy life and maintaining a balance between the mind, body…

Why is Learning Ayurveda Important for New Generation?

Today’s world is encircled by several deadly diseases. So, more and more people are heading towards the medical science which provides faster results. But, do you know that medical science is invasive and mostly work on symptoms of diseases. So, it doesn’t provides a permanent solution. So, what should you do now? Which is the best technique…