Pieces of Ayurveda wisdom for body detoxification

After a series of new year parties and festivities, it is officially time to say goodbye to unhealthy living and say hello to the new healthy you. Ayurveda, if followed and imbibed for a lifetime, can give you a holistic life. Keeping this in mind, we bring you the best of Ayurvedic wisdom that will help you kick start to healthy a living.

  1. Like any other country in the world, celebrations in India comes with excess oily, starchy food and sweets. These modern-day poisons wreak havoc in the digestive system causing inflammation raising the toxin levels. The simplest way to combat this is by minimising the intake of carbohydrates. You can start by increasing your intake of proteins, roughage, leafy greens and fruits. This will help your body detoxify, and you will feel lighter and energetic.
  2. Practice yoga asanas. Yoga and Ayurveda work together to bring in the best of your physical and mental health. Yoga propagates correct breathing and working on each muscle and joints of your body. You sign up for a class and adopt it in your daily routine. Somatic bodywork training in India is an age-old therapeutic healing system that helps in dealing with traumatic stress. You can learn more about this coveted science from Aithein Healing, a Goa-based Ayurveda training school.
  3. Who doesn’t love a nice and healing Ayurvedic massage? It is a well-known fact that massages help in unclogging your lymphatic system by flushing out all the toxic wastes.  Aithein healing provides professional and informational Ayurveda training in Kerala.
  4. Most crucial mantra to healthy life is to stay happy. Negative emotions are the worst toxins in your body. So, embrace all the goodness of nature and life and stay positive.

If you are inspired to learn more about the wonders of Ayurveda and you feel Kerala is saturated, Goa is one of the best destinations for it. Ayurveda courses in Goa are becoming people’s favourite because of credible certified schools and amazing location. If you wish to know more on Ayurveda courses, visit http://www.aitheinhealing.com

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